I liked it
Unhappy about it only being 1 battle but its a series so yeah.
voted 5,for super and socksquad justice.
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I liked it
Unhappy about it only being 1 battle but its a series so yeah.
voted 5,for super and socksquad justice.
next one will be 2 BATTLES!
This series is going down the gutter...
The first few skittles n bits were realy funny,now your just using horrible jokes and now the good score of this movie is based on fan boys/lamers who like those kinds of jokes.
You might not agree with me disliking this humor,but ill explain anyway:
1:not...funny....first the plant gous up and down,and then bites mario and he falls in.WOW THATS SO PHUNNY!!!11!!!1!!!eleven.
The crushing of the goomba was just as pointless
2:The fighter talking to a man,not responding and getting punched away.All i liked was the voice acting.I realice the joke was pointed at you never heard the light warriors of FF1 talk but,come on!
3:the DBZ one was pointless,yet true.This is truely a lamer joke
Im not going on about this 1.
4:WOW,wario has a purple car and he be pimpin it!!11!!!1!how wonderfull and completely pointless.
5:a moron in a boat getting knocked-out of it,and a seal making stupid noises and then exploding.how delightfull.
6:same as 3
7:ubernoogies?.....god,this is just crap.Very funny,a guy from street fighter giving another noogies.This must be realy funny where you come from or something.
if you make a skittles and bitz 10,put more humorous effort into it.
All i liked about this one is the banjo-kazooie song in the start and the fact. the graphics are pretty good.
Was great but..
lol anyway,it was pretty good.Cant wait for the next episode my white neggro lol.
SORRy, all cameo's go into part 2... but be thankfull [part 2 will be better
Joined on 9/25/05